The critically acclaimed speed reading workshop is now an online class! In this era of social distancing, now you can take the speed reading class withour risking your health, at your own pace and with lessons available 24/7. To access it, go to and click on ENROLL. For a limited time, I am offering a half-off coupon. Use the coupon code SAVE50PERCENT upon checkout.
The class is modeled directly after the in-person workshop and includes 12 lessons, videos, and downloadable handouts. The videos use the same Powerpoint slides that were used in the in-person workshop with me on the screen as well! Being able to return to any video at any time is a huge benefit. There are also practice resources at including audio tips, downloads, and helpful links. I really want you to succeed at this and bring these great skills into your life. To help insure that, taking the class entitles you to lifetime phone and email support - my lifetime, anyway!
With high quality audio and video, I think you will enjoy this experience. The platform I have chosen to host the class is THINKIFICC. They have been facilitating online classes for quite some time.
Supercharge your productivity and increase your chance of success at whatever you do..
Jackie Alan Giuliano, Ph.D.